Contact +996 500 111 211

Address Бишкек ул. Широкая 1а, 720024

How to apply

1 round: 1st round of the entrance is organized in Bishkek and close areas, it is conducted based on the curriculum of 6 graders, and consisted of 75 questions. Questions are both in russian or kyrgyz, based on the language of the class of the applicant, and includes following subjects:
  • Mathematics – 40 questions
  • Кyrgyz Language, Russian Language – 20 questions
  • History – 5 questions
  • Geography – 5 questions
  • Biology – 5 questions
During the examination students are given the answer sheets. The exam answer sheets must be filled with pencil, and erased with erasers. 3 wrong answers cancel 1 true answer. All applicants that that pass the minimum score are invited for the second round of the exam. II round: Applicants that participate on the 2nd round are given two sets of questions on mathematics and logic, sum of 25 questions (math-15, logic-10 questions) Duration of the exam- 60 min. Based on the average grade of the applicants he or she is admitted to school.