Contact +996 500 111 211

Address Бишкек ул. Широкая 1а, 720024


The primary goal of the school is to provide decent level of education. The student is required to obtain basic knowledge on subjects determined by the state policy. But the main goal of education at Aitmatov High School is to upbring competent members of society. Appropriate school activities will lead to the all-round development of children and make them achieve their maximum potential.. These activities vary depending on the ages and interests of the kids. Extracurricular activities that help children develop and learn new skills are also great options.  

Sport activities:

  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Martial arts
  • Tennis
  • Kyrgyz national games

Intellectual activities:

  • Debates
  • Journalism club
  • Homework center
  • Chess
  • Singing choir
  • Dance
  • Art