Contact +996 500 111 211

Address Бишкек ул. Широкая 1а, 720024

Parents' FAQ


Does the child have problems when moving from a public school to Aitmatov High School?

"Aitmatov High School" provides educational platform with innovative and progressive educational style. For new students a special program is provided that allows to solve the psychological and educational problems of the child and successfully enter a new learning environment. Our school also provides 1 year intense course for students to adjust faster, and gain confidence in new system.

What does "Aitmatov High School" differ from other schools?

"Aitmatov High School", like any school is unique in its own way and differs from the others. In our opinion, our school is distinguished by the atmosphere - respect, benevolence, attention, comfort. Maybe that's why our students want to "go to school", and achieve their life goals easier and more efficiently. And yet: our students become mature quickly, because they have sense of freedom and responsibility.

Will the child succeed in another school after training at the Aitmatov High School?

"Aitmatov High School" is proud of its pedagogical team. Our school has been in leading position in the region for the last 25 years. Apparently, this is due to the fact that the "Aitmatov High School" is gaining experience of independent learning, the ability to independently make decisions about their education. We have implemented intensive college preparation courses, SAT and TOEFL. Аlso professional orientation has become one of the pillars of our school. Today our students successfully continue to study in the most prestigious universities both abroad and within Kyrgyzstan. Our school has unique approach to preparation for international subject olympiads: Olympiad Center is platform for students to have intensive preparation with unique methodologies.

How is the food provided in the school?

"Aitmatov High School" offers hot meals and pantry products. Parents can participate in decision making about school menu, together with the children to compile their weekly menu. In the menu every day - delicious soups, salads, fresh pastries, wonderful juices and hot meals both of traditional and european cousine. Diets, individual wishes of parents and tastes of students are all considered. Food is free of charge: 3 times meal and coffee breaks.

How are relations between parents and the Aitmatov High School organized and regulated?

"Aitmatov High School" upon enrollment of the child concludes a contract with the parents for education. In this agreement, the obligations of the school and parents are stipulated, the order and amount of payments, additional conditions and the wishes of the parents are considered. In special cases a change in the contract is possible.

What documents will a graduate of Aitmatov High School have?

"Aitmatov High School" works within the framework of the Kyrgyz Education system regulation by Ministry of education and science. Upon completion of schooling, students receive documents of the established state pattern: a certificate of completion of the basic general school and a certificate of secondary (complete) general education along with certificated on comletion of English, Turkish and ICT.